
English Language Challenges

  . Hi everyone! Today’s blogs it’s a bit nostalgic because it’s the last one. At first, I was a little skeptical of having to write a blog every week, but to be honest I enjoyed every single one. At each blog, I had to learn new vocabulary and analyze different aspects of my life. It was quite hard and challenging sometimes. It also made me realize (the subject in general) that I must work on my pronunciation and expand my vocabulary so I would be able to improve my skills in English. I didn’t notice t hese things before because I don’t speak English often. I do read a lot of books in English, due to university or because I couldn’t find the translate version. So, I think that improving my vocabulary won’t be so hard. The real challenge will be improving my pronunciation, so I’m looking forward to find someone who I’ll be able to speak at least twice a week. I don’t want to lose everything I’ve learned in this subject, so I’ll have to practice. English it’s very important for my c

Changes to my study programme

  Hi everyone! As you may know I study Natural Renewable Resources Eengineering, and today I’m going to talk about the changes that I would make to my career program. The first time I read the curriculum I thought it was amazing, except for all the math and physics in it. But to be honest, I’m not sure that I’m completely satisfied right now. First, when you think about a career like mine, you imagine that you would have many field trips, but since I started college, I’ve only had about three. So, I think that is urgent to change that, I know that it’s hard to do it right now because of the pandemic, but it’s something to discuss. Second, when you read the subjects of the curriculum, there is an absence of sea-related subjects. Which I think it’s serious because the sea is one of the most important natural resources due to the many ecosystem services that provides and is a key to understand the climate change. In addition to this, I would take subjects like numeric calculus and physi

A time that I would like to go in the future

  Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about a time that I would like to go in the future. To be honest, I’m not sure if I want to know what’s going to happen in the future. I’m the kind of person that believes in destiny, so I’m not crazy about knowing it. This is also because I’m very attached to my family, so I don’t think that I’m ready to know if something bad is gonna happened. Undoubtedly the climate change, the drought and all the bad prognoses have encouraged me to try to live my best life focused in the present and enjoy every moment of it even when I have bad days (I’ve learned with the passage of time that a bad day is not the end of the world). Believe it or not, with this way of thinking I still have goals and dreams, it’s just that I’m more flexible with time. Because sometimes I’m not able to achieve a goal when I would want to do it, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll never be able to reach it. As a rule, I always tell myself when I’m in a bad moment in my life that e

My future job

  When I was in my first’s years of high school, I was convinced that I wanted to study law, which is pretty funny because I always feel like I’m about to cry when I’m arguing. Well, despite the crying thing, back at that time I already knew that I wanted a career related to the environment. So, I had to start looking for new careers, and that’s when I found Natural Renewable Resources Engineering. When I read the curriculum for the first time I fell in love, it was exactly what I was looking for, except for one thing: ocean conservation. I think that that was the only doubt I had with this career, because my dream job is working in the sea. Maybe doing research or helping in the conservation of different species of algae. To be more specific, protect the Chilean kelp forest. I’m sure that right now you’ll be thinking why I didn’t study marine biology. I’m not quite sure yet, but it’s probably because I like the fact that I have other possibilities in case that at some point I change

A funny moment of my childhood

  Today I spent almost my whole day trying to remember a funny moment of my childhood, and I couldn’t remember anything. So, I had to call my mom and ask her about it, we talked and laugh the whole call, because she remembered a lot of things. But I decided to tell you a more nostalgic moment of my childhood. When I was little my mom and I used to go to Maitencillo beach every summer, and in the year 2010 the album “ Dejarte de amar ” by Camila was realised. My mom really liked the band at the time, so the day before the trip to Maitencillo she bought the CD. For the ones that doesn’t know the trip to Maitencillo takes approximately 3 hours from Santiago. So, there we were in the car listening the album while we are singing our lungs out for three straight hours. It was so fun and made grow the bond that I have with my mom. We still laugh about that moment because we sang like crazies, and she brought a radio where we could keep listening to the CD… I felt sorry for my neighbors. The o


( Guruji Sharath Jois)                              Since the pandemic started, I stopped doing any kind of sport or exercise. So, I began to feel tired all the time and uncomfortable with myself. Because of this I decided to look for a hobby that I would enjoy and at the same time would made me move and exercise. It was hard to find because I had to be able to do it at home. And that’s when I started to think about yoga. A spiritual practice that helps in combating all sorts of mental, physical, and emotional issues. It was perfect, because I only needed a yoga mat and my laptop to connect with my teacher. As soon as I started, I began to feel the difference in my body, my energy, and made me care about my mental and physical health. If you search yoga on the internet, it will appear so many types of it, that it will confuse you. It happened the same to me. That’s why I chose a traditional style, Ashtanga yoga. The practice of ashtanga is hard but is worth it.

My best holidays :)

  The last summer before the pandemic me and my friends decide to go backpacking in Chiloe. It was an amazing experience full of fun and adventure. This trip started in Cole-Cole, a beautiful beach hides in the Chiloe National Park. The way there was hard, we had to walk for at least five hours to get there, but it was worth it, the view, the nature, and the friends we made there were priceless. The second stop was in Lemuy island, where we work one day harvesting potatoes for the locals in exchange for food. The third stop was in Duhatao, a bay in Ancud where we stay for a few days it was peaceful and surrounded by nature, so we explored a lot. Finally, our last stop was in Chepu, a little town at the other side of Duhatao, so we had to do an intense trekking to get there, at the end of it we were all covered in mud, but we really enjoyed the experience.