My best holidays :)


The last summer before the pandemic me and my friends decide to go backpacking in Chiloe. It was an amazing experience full of fun and adventure. This trip started in Cole-Cole, a beautiful beach hides in the Chiloe National Park. The way there was hard, we had to walk for at least five hours to get there, but it was worth it, the view, the nature, and the friends we made there were priceless. The second stop was in Lemuy island, where we work one day harvesting potatoes for the locals in exchange for food. The third stop was in Duhatao, a bay in Ancud where we stay for a few days it was peaceful and surrounded by nature, so we explored a lot. Finally, our last stop was in Chepu, a little town at the other side of Duhatao, so we had to do an intense trekking to get there, at the end of it we were all covered in mud, but we really enjoyed the experience.


  1. Chiloe is wonderful <3When i went, i couldn´t visit Cole-cole and Chepu. I hope next time I can visit them, and yess Duhatao is unique, peaceful, magical and have beautiful landscapes ~

  2. Such a fun trip you had Vale! I went to Chiloé when I was little and I enjoyed it a lot :) It is a beautiful place to visit. I'm glad you had a really good time there with your friends, someday I would love to do the same :)


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