Changes to my study programme


Hi everyone! As you may know I study Natural Renewable Resources Eengineering, and today I’m going to talk about the changes that I would make to my career program. The first time I read the curriculum I thought it was amazing, except for all the math and physics in it. But to be honest, I’m not sure that I’m completely satisfied right now. First, when you think about a career like mine, you imagine that you would have many field trips, but since I started college, I’ve only had about three. So, I think that is urgent to change that, I know that it’s hard to do it right now because of the pandemic, but it’s something to discuss.

Second, when you read the subjects of the curriculum, there is an absence of sea-related subjects. Which I think it’s serious because the sea is one of the most important natural resources due to the many ecosystem services that provides and is a key to understand the climate change. In addition to this, I would take subjects like numeric calculus and physic 2 and I would replace them for subjects focused on augmenting the knowledge of previous subjects, like hydrology.

Finally, even with all I have said, I still like my career. I think that the purpose of studying this it’s to be able to contribute to the world and society, making some changes, even the little ones are important. Of course, I would love to make the modifications I said before, because that would make the career perfect for me.


  1. I also believe that the purpose of studing it's tp contribute to the society, specially with our career hahaha

  2. Hi! I agree with all the things you said. Having clear goals while allow us to have success

  3. I think the same Vale! I believe that calculus and most of the math subjects are not as important to our professional education as many people think.


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