
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

A funny moment of my childhood

  Today I spent almost my whole day trying to remember a funny moment of my childhood, and I couldn’t remember anything. So, I had to call my mom and ask her about it, we talked and laugh the whole call, because she remembered a lot of things. But I decided to tell you a more nostalgic moment of my childhood. When I was little my mom and I used to go to Maitencillo beach every summer, and in the year 2010 the album “ Dejarte de amar ” by Camila was realised. My mom really liked the band at the time, so the day before the trip to Maitencillo she bought the CD. For the ones that doesn’t know the trip to Maitencillo takes approximately 3 hours from Santiago. So, there we were in the car listening the album while we are singing our lungs out for three straight hours. It was so fun and made grow the bond that I have with my mom. We still laugh about that moment because we sang like crazies, and she brought a radio where we could keep listening to the CD… I felt sorry for my neighbors. The o


( Guruji Sharath Jois)                              Since the pandemic started, I stopped doing any kind of sport or exercise. So, I began to feel tired all the time and uncomfortable with myself. Because of this I decided to look for a hobby that I would enjoy and at the same time would made me move and exercise. It was hard to find because I had to be able to do it at home. And that’s when I started to think about yoga. A spiritual practice that helps in combating all sorts of mental, physical, and emotional issues. It was perfect, because I only needed a yoga mat and my laptop to connect with my teacher. As soon as I started, I began to feel the difference in my body, my energy, and made me care about my mental and physical health. If you search yoga on the internet, it will appear so many types of it, that it will confuse you. It happened the same to me. That’s why I chose a traditional style, Ashtanga yoga. The practice of ashtanga is hard but is worth it.